Not Cool: Check out Real Change News coverage of the drastic impact Metro fare increases are having on elderly and folks who live with disabilities. Fares for those folks DOUBLED on January 1! Real Change’s Adam Hyla interviewed Solid Ground’s Patricia Ann and staff from our Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) which reimburses seniors for using Metro to get to volunteer placements.
Dee says
I know it hurt ME. And spinning off something said in the Real Change, I’m still trying to figure out how the Feds honestly think there wasn’t a change in the cost of living between last year and this one – unless it has to do with more twisted statistics that don’t count things that SHOULD be counted. MY costs definitely increased and many – like food – went up quite a bit.
Yeah, sure, compared to other passes it’s a “bargain” – but that forgets that the vast majority who qualify for a senior or disabled pass live on a very limited and often fixed income. For US $18/mo is a LOT, not a “bargain”. Worse, because we’re disabled or seniors the pass or fare isn’t optional for quite a lot of this group – so Metro knows they have a captive market that MUST pay the doubled fares. So ultimately, this is a very regressive fee increase. Thanks Metro – and yes, full snarkiness intended.