Eat spicy fried chicken
Because it will improve your taste buds
Dance like Zendaya
Because it will improve your strength
She dances like she’s free
And when I dance I’m free too
Laugh like little kids are tickling your feet
Laughing a lot will cause you to smile
My mom said smiling will make you look beautiful
Talk with honesty, if you don’t you’re letting people know you
don’t respect them
Look them in the eye and speak truth to them
Seriously listen, listen like you mean it,
So people know you don’t take them for granted
Be silent so you can clear your mind
I do that when I’m upset about not doing something right and my
mom yells at me for it
So I go breathe in my bed, after that I’m as calm as a koala
Being silent will help you deal with life
Life can be a hard game
First thing when you wake up, breathe to prepare yourself for
the day’s unknowns
Because it will help you through hard times
Like when my mom left home without telling my dad
I breathed through it
I knew she didn’t want to be a slave the rest of her life,
And wanted to keep us safe
I breathed through that
Enjoy the good times when they’re there
You never know when things will change
When you’ve had a bad day, you can always think about the time
when the whole neighborhood came to your first birthday party
And you were smiling big with your two front teeth.
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