What does a car have to do with food security? Solid Ground’s Community Food Education (CFE) brings the kitchen to participants!
CFE travels to sites to provide cooking and nutrition classes for adults and families living on low incomes. With a full kitchen set including portable burners, we’re able to host classes at schools and community centers – basically anywhere with tables and a sink. We also transport groceries to class participants, ensuring they have the supplies to solidify – with practice – the cooking and nutrition skills they learn in class.
“Carter Subaru Seattle is proud of our new partnership with Solid Ground,” says Jen Moran, Executive Manager Carter Subaru Seattle. “Their commitment to our community aligns with our promise to help make the Puget Sound area a better place for everyone.”
For our work with youth, CFE brings cooking and gardening supplies to and from all preschool, elementary school, and afterschool sites, engaging youth in learning about food justice and their place in the food system. During the pandemic, CFE has been unable to provide in-person classes – so we bring materials to participants, enabling them to take part in virtual classes.
We also work with schools to set up regular distributions of fresh produce to supplement take-home food. To do this important work, we have to have a reliable vehicle – and the one CFE has had for many years is aging and needs significant repairs.
To do this important work, we have to have a reliable vehicle – and the one CFE has had for many years is aging and in need of significant repairs.
Knowing Carter Subaru proudly supports and sponsors a wide variety of nonprofit partners in our community, we reached out to their leadership team with a request for assistance – and they responded quickly with a solution! That said: …drum roll, please… Meet Solid Ground’s new Subaru Outback (see mockups at top)!
“Carter Subaru Seattle is proud of our new partnership with Solid Ground,” says Jen Moran, Executive Manager Carter Subaru Seattle. “Their commitment to our community aligns with our promise to help make the Puget Sound area a better place for everyone.”
Thanks to Carter Subaru’s generosity, CFE can safely continue to bring classes into local communities, building increased food security at every stop along the way. So be on the lookout for our new Outback – and thank you Carter Subaru!
Want to build a partnership with us? Contact Corporate Giving Officer Phoenica Zhang at 206.694.6852 or phoenicaz@solid-ground.org. For more info about Community Food Education (CFE), contact Program Manager Neo Mazur at neom@solid-ground.org.
Featured image at top: Mockups of the Solid Ground-branded Subaru Outlook donated by Carter Subaru to our Community Food Education (CFE) program.
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