What is Cooking Matters?
Cooking Matters provides six-week class series on healthy cooking skills, nutrition education and food budgeting for people living on low incomes. A team of three trained volunteers – Chef, Nutritionist and Class Assistant – work alongside a staff coordinator to facilitate interactive as well as informative classes at over 65 host sites in the greater Seattle and Washington state regions. Participants engage in educational activities while helping to prepare a shared meal.
Cooking Matters at Solid Ground constantly strives to reach more families and individuals who can benefit from Cooking Matters classes and Cooking Matters at the Store Tours (CMATS). One innovative approach that has proven effective for several Cooking Matters Lead Partners across the country is establishing “Satellite Partnerships.” This model allows us to expand Cooking Matters’ geographic reach within existing service areas as well as across Washington state and fulfill demands for Cooking Matters classes in high-need areas.
What is a Satellite Partner?
A Satellite Partner is an organization that collaborates with Cooking Matters at Solid Ground and takes primary responsibility for implementing Cooking Matters courses. Satellite Partners may be geographically nearby or in another part of Washington state. Regardless, they have shown commitment and interest in making Cooking Matters courses available to families and individuals in their area. Satellite Partners receive direct program support from Solid Ground through ongoing staff training, evaluation of the program, volunteer support and other resources.
When a volunteer signs up to volunteer for their next Cooking Matters class series or tour, their coordinator may be a Cooking Matters Satellite Coordinator. Some of our Satellite Partner organizations include: Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic, Hopelink, Transitional Resources, Hunger Intervention Program, Yakama Indian Nations, Verdant Wellness Center, Seattle Veterans Affairs Clinic and some Sea Mar locations, among others.
If you have further questions on our Satellite Partner model, please contact us to hear more (206.694.6707 or cooking@solid-ground.org).
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