Solid Ground events bring together people who share the vision of a community beyond poverty. Join us to learn from each other, rally for change, celebrate success and increase our collective commitment to this work!
Social Justice Salons Series
Join us for a series of intimate, in-person sessions that bring together Solid Ground staff, participants, community partners, and leaders to discuss innovative solutions to community challenges. Each Salon includes an opportunity to learn from the voices of folks who are embedded in the work, as well time for attendees to ask questions and move into deeper discussions.
Contact 206.694.6857 or for more information on all upcoming events and how you can get involved.

Donate your car, truck, RV, or boat!
It’s easy, the pick-up is free, and we use the proceeds from the sale to support our mission. To donate your vehicle, call 855.500.7433 or visit Solid Ground’s donation page on the cars website.
With opportunities to sponsor events or partner with Solid Ground annually, your company’s image will benefit from an association with a nonprofit organization that helps more than 65,000 people overcome crisis and move out of poverty each year.
Solid Ground’s programs offer a variety of community outreach projects that will appeal to your customers, clients, and employee needs. Join local companies in sponsoring Solid Ground’s work to solve poverty and build a community where everyone has equitable opportunities to thrive.
Solid Ground Sponsorship Packet
QUESTIONS? Contact Giving Manager Briana Stevenson at 206.694.6724 or
Interested in doubling your money? Many companies offer matching gift programs that will match you and/or your partner or spouse’s charitable contributions. This can double or sometimes triple the amount of your gift! It’s easy.
- Ask your HR department if your company matches charitable donations.
- Submit your company’s matching gift form to your employer.
- Increase your impact!
Solid Ground’s EIN/Tax ID #: 23-7421892