Legal Help with Public Benefits
Are you having problems getting or keeping your cash, food, medical, and/or child care benefits? Have you been told you were overpaid benefits and have to pay them back? Our attorneys provide legal help and information to single adults and families whose Washington state benefits have been reduced, terminated, or denied – and those given benefits overpayment notices.
INTAKE LINE: Contact us at 206.694.6742 or to learn more.

This program receives funding from the King County Veterans, Seniors & Human Services Levy.
Do I Qualify for DSHS Benefits?
DSHS Benefits: ‘See If I Qualify’
See if your family qualifies for food, cash assistance, child care, medical benefits or long-term care through the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS).
Legal Resources for Other State Benefits
- Benefits Law Center: Provides legal help and information for people in Washington state whose Social Security Benefits (SSI/SSDI) have been reduced, denied or terminated.
- Northwest Justice Project: Provides legal help and information for people in Washington state who have civil legal needs in many different areas of the law.
- Tenant Law Center: Provides help with Section 8 and other housing benefits terminations.
- Unemployment Law Project: Provides legal help and information for people in Washington state whose unemployment benefits have been denied.
More Legal Resources
- Alliance for Equal Justice: A network of Washington state organizations that collaborate to coordinate strategy and delivery of civil legal aid to people and communities experiencing poverty and injustice – with a commitment to identify and dismantle all barriers to justice that perpetuate poverty and racial inequities.
- King County 2-1-1 (also 206.461.3200, 1.800.621.4636 or 206.461.3610 for TTY/hearing impaired calls): Identifies and makes referrals to appropriate legal aid providers. (Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm)
- Washington LawHelp: A self-help online resource for finding civil legal solutions, including public benefits, consumer law, elder law, housing rights, health care and more.