Welcome to Resource Wire for September 19 – 25, 2024!
With second-half property taxes due at the end of next month, we thought it’d be a good time to remind folks that there’s help available for low-income homeowners who either have a disability or are over 60. Read on to learn how to apply for a property tax exemption or deferral, plus find info about upcoming resource fairs, hiring events, and more!
Resource Wire is your source for the latest news and updates about community resources and opportunities for folks living on low incomes in Seattle and King County. Want to get the latest edition emailed directly to you each week?
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WHEN: Second-half property taxes are due Thursday, October 31, 2024.
WHAT: Under Washington state law, older and disabled homeowners may be able to reduce or defer their property tax bills if they meet income requirements. To qualify, you must:
- Own the home you live in
- Have a disability or be at least age 61 by December 31 of the preceding year
- Have a maximum income of $84,000
TO APPLY: Go to Property tax exemptions for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities.
MORE INFO: Download the Guide to Property Tax Exemptions for Seniors, Persons With Disabilities, And Disabled Veterans.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 5-6:30pm
WHERE: Online. Register for link.
WHAT: Mold is a serious problem in the Pacific Northwest. Learn why – and how to treat and prevent it. We’ll cover…
- How to recognize when a house has a mold problem.
- Landlords’ responsibilities to solve repair problems.
- What you should do as a tenant.
- What you can do if your landlord doesn’t fix the problem.
A visiting attorney from the Tenant Law Center will also be on hand to help with answering questions. If you’re currently living in King County and being threatened with eviction, contact the Housing Justice Project for legal assistance at 206.267.7069 or hjpstaff@kcba.org.
TO REGISTER: Go to Rent Smart: Mold and Your Rights as a Tenant on the King County Library System website.
WHEN: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 5:30-7pm
WHERE: Family Resource Center, 1005 NE 67th St. Seattle, WA 98115
WHAT: Get information on rental assistance, employment services, education support, health plan options, and more at FamilyWorks’ Community Resource fair. You can also bring home free produce from FamilyWorks Mobile Food Pantry.
MORE INFO: Download the FamilyWorks Community Resource Fair flyer.
WHEN: Friday, September 20, 2024,12-2pm
WHERE: Recovery Café SODO, 4202 6th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
WHAT: Food, recovery supporter, hygiene supplies, community partners, recovery speakers, healthcare support, and more.
MORE INFO: Download the Resource Connection flyer for September 2024.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 12:30-2:30pm
WHERE: Online. Register for link.
WHAT: In this webinar, you’ll learn about all parts of Medicare so you can make an informed decision about your Medicare choices. We’ll discuss…
- Medicare A, B, C, and D
- Enrollment
- Medicare benefits and options
- Medigaps (supplemental plans) and Medicare Advantage plans
- Help paying for Medicare
- Medicare fraud
This event will be presented by Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) Program volunteers. SHIBA provides free, unbiased, and confidential assistance with Medicare health care choices.
TO REGISTER: Go to Welcome to Medicare Webinar.
QUESTIONS? Contact Sam Stones at sams@solid-ground.org or 206.694.6750.
WHEN: Apply by Wednesday, September 25, 2024. Classes begin Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
WHERE: North Seattle
WHAT: CareerWork$ Medical is a FREE job-training course that connects participants of all ages with guaranteed interviews to begin a new career in non-clinical healthcare. Translate your lived and work experiences into the professional soft skills and knowledge fundamentals needed to begin non-clinical positions (i.e. non-care providing) such as Patient Service Representative and more with leading Puget Sound healthcare providers.
Over 8 weeks, we provide industry knowledge, wraparound services, job search support, and networking connections to support participants excited to make a career change leap! Career mentoring continues for a year plus after graduation to help chart a career path in healthcare.
TO APPLY: Complete the CareerWork$ Medical Application.
WHAT: A variety of organizations are holding events this week to help connect people with basic needs and services, including things like cell phones, bus passes, vaccines, health care screenings, employment resources, legal assistance, and more!
Federal Way community resource center
- When:
- Where: Federal Way Library, 34200 1st Way S, Federal Way, WA 98003
- What: Social Service representatives are here to help you with cash assistance, employment and training, education, housing, food assistance, health/medical care, legal assistance, mental health and substance use treatment, transportation, etc.
- More info: Go to Federal Way Community Resource Center.
Renton resource day
- When: ,
- Where: Renton Library, 100 Mill Avenue S, Renton WA 98057
- What: Local social support providers will help connect you to resources such as healthcare, addiction recovery, free job training, access to ORCA cards, a free phone, gently used clothes & hygiene kits and free lunches.
- More info: Go to Renton Library Resource Days.
Bellevue resource fair
- When: Saturday, September 21, 2024, 11am-3pm
- Where: Crossroad Bellevue, 15600 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA
- What: Resource and services fair for recent immigrants and long-time residents. Connect with local organizations, community partners and government agencies.
- More info: Eastside Welcoming Week.
MORE OPPORTUNITIES: For additional events hosted at King County libraries, search for “Social Services Help” on the KCLS website.
WHAT: A variety of employers are holding hiring events over the next week, with some making on-the-spot offers with no experience required.
North Seattle job fair
- When: Thursday, September 19, 2024, 11am-2pm
- Where: WorkSource North Seattle, Opportunity Center, 9600 College Way N, Seattle, WA 98103
- Industries: Administration, banking, customer service, education, finance, healthcare, hospitality, etc.
- More info: WorkSource North Seattle Job Fair
Solid Ground Transportation hiring event
- When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 10am-3pm
- Where: Solid Ground Transportation, 8100 8th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
- Position: Bus operator ($23.56/hr)
- More info: Go to Bus Operator.
MORE INFO: To find additional job openings and events, go to WorkSource Workshops & Hiring Events or Port Jobs Hiring Events.
WHEN: Various times and locations listed below
WHAT: King County’s Mobile Medical Program provides walk-in care for people who are living homeless (or were recently homeless) only. Please try to arrive at least one hour before the scheduled end time for the clinic. On rare occasions the clinic will close earlier than the scheduled time. Call the Mobile Van nursing lines if you would like to confirm the clinic end time for a particular day.
Please note: Sites and available services are subject to change due to Mobile Medical’s involvement in the COVID-19 response. Please check King County’s Mobile Medical Care webpage for the latest information, including upcoming dates in September.
Upcoming Seattle dates:
- Friday, September 20, 2024, 10am-2pm, Salvation Army SoDo, 1039 6th Ave S, Seattle
- Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 2-6pm, N. 125th St & Aurora Ave N., 12255 Aurora Ave N, Seattle
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 10am-2pm, Seattle Central Library, 1000 4th Ave, Seattle
Upcoming South King County dates:
- Monday, September 23, 2024, 2:30-6:30pm, Thea Bowman Apartments, 3350 S 240th St, Kent
- Tuesday, September 24, 2024,10am-2pm, Calvary Lutheran Church, 2415 S. 320th St, Federal Way
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 11am-3pm,Transform Burien, 156th & Des Moines Mem Dr, Burien (Dental van available)
MORE INFO: Go to King County Mobile Medical Care or call 206.330.6775 for the Seattle Medical Van or 206.549.5562 for the South King County Medical Van.
WHEN: Various dates and times. See below.
WHAT: Seattle Veterinary Outreach, Washington Health Outreach, and Doney Coe Pet Clinic provide veterinary care for free or at a reduced cost to the pets of people experiencing homelessness and or living on low incomes.
Veterinary care is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Pet owners are encouraged to arrive early to secure a place in line.
Services are reserved for those experiencing homelessness or living with a low income, which is verified at clinics. Pet owners should bring their SNAP, EBT, WIC, SSI, or TANF cards. Alternatively, a letter confirming that the pet owner is living in subsidized housing or receiving housing vouchers is also acceptable.
Upcoming dates:
- Thursday, September 19, 2024, 9:30am-2:30pm, Doney Coe Services, 1101 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98321
- Friday, September 20, 2024, 10am-2pm, Recovery Cafe SODO, 4202 6th Ave S, Seattle, WA (Seattle Veterinary Outreach)
- Sunday, September 22, 2024, 11am, Renton Library, 100 Mill Ave S, Renton, WA 98057 (Washington Health Outreach)
- Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 11am, Real Change News, 96 S Main St, Seattle, WA 98104 (Washington Health Outreach)
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 9:30am-2:30pm, Doney Coe Services, 1101 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98321
MORE INFO: Visit Seattle Veterinary Outreach Clinic Calendar, Washington Health Outreach Schedule and Services, or Doney Coe Services.
WHERE: Jefferson Community Center, 3801 Beacon Ave S. Seattle WA, 98108
WHEN: Friday, September 27, 2024, 10am-3pm
WHAT: At Seattle Municipal Court’s Community Relief Day, you can get help addressing SMC warrants, setting up payment plans or community service plans to address Seattle tickets, and more. You can also get help setting up payment plans for King County traffic tickets.
Human service providers will also be on hand to help you with housing, employment, job training, legal help, medical services, and more.
TO REGISTER: Go to Pre-Registration Community Relief Day.
MORE INFO: Download the 2024 Community Relief Day flyer.
WHEN: Friday, September 27, 2024, 6-8pm
WHERE: Online; register for link.
WHAT: Is your credit preventing you from obtaining a job, making a large purchase, or securing stable housing? This free credit counseling workshop from the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle may be for you!
MORE INFO: Go to Credit Counseling Workshop – September 27.
TO REGISTER: Go to Are you ready to get your finances on track?
WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 2024, 10 am-2 pm
WHERE: Juanita High School, 10601 NE 132nd Street, Kirkland WA, 98034
WHAT: Get free help with health screenings, insurance, vaccines, bike helmets, and more. Free food, music, raffles, and giveaways.
MORE INFO: Download the Kirkland Health & Wellness flyer or go to Discover the 2024 Kirkland Health & Wellness Fair.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 4-8pm. Registration: 4-6pm. Attorney consultations: 6-8pm.
WHERE: El Centro de la Raza, 2524 16th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98144, 3rd Floor
WHAT: This free bilingual legal clinic offers pro bono legal aid that can level the playing field for individuals who cannot afford professional legal consultations. Help available on a first-come, first-served basis in English and Spanish.
MORE INFO: Go to Free Bilingual Legal Clinic or call 844.502.9832.
WHEN: October 16, 2024, 3pm-5pm
WHERE: Greenbridge Learning Center, 9720 8th Ave, Seattle, WA 98106
WHAT: The 3rd Annual Youth Jobs and Resources Fair is FREE and open to all youth ages 16 – 24 who are looking to pursue careers or explore educational pathways toward success. Youth will get to meet with colleges, employers, and community nonprofit organizations. They will have the opportunity to ask question and have access to various resources and program trainings.
Attendees are asked to dress professionally (semi-formal), bring their resume copies (if any), and a good attitude! Meet with talent recruiters and human resource associates to learn about various job and educational opportunities.
QUESTIONS? Call 206.670.6775 or 206.571.4897 or email akhem@ywcaworks.org or cltauiliili@ywcaworks.org.
WHEN: English sessions are held several times a month, various days and times. Spanish sessions are held monthly on Thursdays, 5:30-6:45pm.
WHAT: Virtual Renters’ Rights Webinar Series presented by Solid Ground Tenant Counselors, with Tenant Law Center attorneys available to help answer questions.
Rent Smart Webinars in English
- W, 9/25/24, 5-6:30pm: Information About Mold & Your Rights as a Tenant
- W, 10/1/24, 1-2:45pm: Breaking Your Lease
- T, 11/5/24, 1-2:45pm: Eviction Threats & Your Rights as a Tenant
- T, 12/3/24, 1-2:45pm: Pests & Infestations
¡Inquilinos Inteligentes! Talleres Virtuales en Español
- jueves el 26/09/24, 5:30-6:45pm: Información sobre la mudanza de su alquiler actual
- jueves el 31/10/24, 5:30-6:45pm: Necesito romper mi contrato de arrendamiento
- jueves el 07/11/24, 5:30-6:45pm: Violencia Doméstica: conozca sus derechos
- jueves el 05/12/24, 5:30-6:45pm: Información General: Aprender los conceptos básicos
See All Upcoming Tenant Webinars
- King County residents being threatened with eviction can contact the Housing Justice Project for legal assistance at 253.234.4204 or hjpstaff@kcba.org.
- Washington State residents can visit Solid Ground’s For Tenants website for self-help information, or call Solid Ground’s Tenant Services Voice Message Line, 206.694.6767 | TTY: 7.1.1, currently open for messages Mondays and Thursdays, 10:30am – 1:30pm (hours and days are subject to change).
- Rent Smart is offered in partnership with Solid Ground’s Tenant Services, the King County Library System (KCLS), and Seattle Public Library (SPL).
- Si actualmente vive en el Condado de King y está siendo amenazado con el desalojo, comuníquese con el Proyecto de Justicia de Vivienda para obtener asistencia legal 253.234.4204 o hjpstaff@kcba.org.
- Los Residentes del Estado de Washington pueden visitar el sitio web Para Inquilinos de Solid Ground para obtener información de autoayuda, o llamar a la línea mensajes de voz de servicios para Inquilinos de Solid Ground, 206.694.6767 | TTY: 7.1.1, cual es abierta los lunes o jueves de 10:30 a.m. a 1:30 p.m. (las horas y los días están sujetos a cambios).
- ¡Inquilinos Inteligentes! se ofrece en asociación con los Servicios para Inquilinos de Solid Ground y La Sistema Biblioteca del Condado de King.
WHEN: Job fair every Wednesday, 10am-3pm; call ahead to confirm
WHERE: Solid Ground Transportation, 8100 8th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
WHAT: Be a part of making life easier for those living with disabilities in our communities. Join our team of drivers who provide ACCESS bus services to people who can’t use Metro’s fixed-route system, helping people get to critical health and human services resources, and connecting people with their communities.
Solid Ground Transportation offers:
- $23.56 (new rate!)
- Flexible schedule
- Part-time & full-time options
- No CDL requirement
- Paid training
- Opportunities for long-term career growth beyond driving!
- Full benefits (Paid Leave, Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability, 401k Matching, Employee Assistance Program, Flexible Spending Account, and Life Insurance)
TO APPLY NOW: Go to the Solid Ground Bus Operator job description and scroll down to How to Apply for application materials.
QUESTIONS? Call 206.694.6817 or email jobs@solid-ground.org.
WHAT: Join the Solid Ground team and help us fight poverty and dismantle systems of oppression! We’re currently seeking candidates for these positions:
QUESTIONS? Learn more about Solid Ground and see other open positions on the Solid Ground Careers page.
When you need help, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why we put together lists of Ongoing Community Resources in King County for help with things like housing, food, childcare, transportation, employment, and more. Click on the topics below to jump to these ongoing resources posted on our Resource Wire webpage.
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