I trust my mom because she provides and takes care of me
I trust my siblings because they got my back
I trust Broadview because it kept me from becoming homeless
I trust the people who trust me
These are the things I trust
This poem is published in The Light in My World, a compilation of original poetry written by young people ages 5 – 12 who stayed with their families in housing at Solid Ground’s Broadview Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing for women and children. The young authors who contributed to The Light in My World are not identified by their real names, and some details have been changed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of them and their families. The authors retain copyrights on their individual works.
Jenna Durney says
What a beautiful poem.
Cheryl says
So glad you have things/people in your life you can trust. Keep tending your garden of things/people you can trust and your life will bloom into a garden of love and self-expression.