Lettuce Link’s Community Fruit Tree Harvest is gearing up for the 2010 season and we would love for you to harvest with us!
Fruit is a valuable community resource. In 2009, Community Fruit Tree Harvest volunteers harvested more than 19,600 pounds of apples, plums and pears from Seattle fruit trees and delivered it to people with limited access to organic produce (through food banks and meals programs). Harvesting this fruit depends on significant community support.
Community Fruit Tree Harvest volunteers…
- “Scout” trees in your neighborhood to see if they are ripe before sending volunteers to harvest.
- Harvest at scheduled work parties.
- Be “on call” to harvest fruit in your neighborhood. (An email will go out to the volunteers in a particular neighborhood when a tree there is ripe. Available volunteers will make arrangements for picking.)
- Provide garage storage for ladders, picking buckets and/or harvested fruit.
- Deliver harvested fruit to food banks and meals programs.
If you would like to volunteer, please attend one of our volunteer orientations and fill out a volunteer application.
Tuesday, July 27, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Ballard Library (5614 22nd Ave NW)
Wednesday, July 28, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Wallingford, Solid Ground (1501 N 45th St)
Thursday, July 29, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Northeast Library (6801 35th Ave NE)
Monday, August 2, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Douglass-Truth Library (2300 E Yesler Way)
If you’re unable to attend an orientation, we’d still love to have your help! Contact Sadie at fruitharvest@solid-ground.org or 206.694.6751.
If you have fruit to donate, please contact Seattle Tilth’s Garden Hotline at 206.633.0224 or help@gardenhotline.org.
Other fantastic Seattle Fruit Harvest programs:
City Fruit, Phinney / Greenwood
City Fruit, Crown Hill
City Fruit, SE Seattle
Community Harvest of SW Seattle, West Seattle
Colman Neighborhood
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