A poem is when you write thoughts from your heart.
It can feel like when you turn on the lights in a dark room.
A poem is like the feeling of a full stomach when you’ve been hungry.
Writing a poem is like a cozy place you build.
A poem is like when the clouds touch the sky.
A poem is like the moon rising at sunset.
A poem is when words compliment you.
A poem is when you have the sky in your mouth.
It is like hot, fresh bread,
When you eat it a little is always left over.
A poem is when you hear the heartbeat of a stone.
When words beat their wings,
It is a song sung in a cage.
A poem is when words are turned upside down
And suddenly the world is new.
A poem is what poets write.
A poem can be anything.
This poem was inspired in part by ‘This Is a Poem That Heals Fish’ by Jean-Pierre Simeon
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